Please Use Personal Email Addresses
Personal email addresses are those with commonly used providers like Google, Apple, Yahoo and local ESP's (Email Service Providers). Messages sent by our system (such as Order Confirmations and Gift Notifications) are easily recognized by those systems. That means they will have a high deliverability rate. Bottom line, we send an important message, you (and your recipient) will receive it.
Don't Use Business Email Addresses
We want to ensure that you'll receive our messages. But oftentimes, corporate firewalls block unrecognized or unanticipated messages (like ours). That means you might successfully create a gift card account or complete a purchase, but remain unable to access them. What's more, your recipient may not receive it either.
Unfortunately, the inability to receive our email messages is a deal breaker.
SO, please use personal email addresses for gift card accounts and gift cards you purchase for yourself or send to a friend.
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