Protect your gift card codes like cash.
We strongly recommend that you apply the same level of security precautions for your gift card as you do to protect your physical wallet, cash and credit cards. If you elect to print your gift card, keep it in your possession and guard it closely at all times. If you purchased a physical gift card, the same type of safeguard vigilance applies.
Never give your gift card number and pin over the phone or online, especially to someone you don’t know and trust.
Protect yourself from Unauthorized Use.
Unauthorized use can occur from someone you know -- or someone you don't.
When setting up your account, be sure to apply the Two Factor Authentication settings.
- Your account and password credentials should be safeguarded and protected at all times.
- If you use a shared computer, extra precautions should be taken.
Perform a balance check.
If you have any question about a remaining balance, you can perform a balance check at the retailer's website (or app) to determine the remaining value.
Beware of scams: Internet and otherwise
Our partners at and Google publish extremely informative and useful information to help expose scams and help consumers avoid them. More here:
- Paying Scammers with Gift Cards
- Internet Scams and Phishing
- Types of Scams that Occur on Google Searches
- Tips from Google for Victims of Google Scams
Government agencies and businesses do not accept Gift Cards as payment toward bills, bail money or debt collection. Be wary of Caller ID. Scammers are savvy enough to manipulate Caller ID so it looks like it’s coming from a legitimate business or government agency.
If you suspect unauthorized use, take action now.
If you suspect that someone accessed your personal information without your consent or knowledge -- and used it to create an account or purchase a gift card, immediately report it to your financial institution and your local law enforcement authorities.
Change passwords to your eCommerce accounts and apps.
Report scammers here:
Tell the Federal Trade Commission at, or call toll-free: 1-877-FTC-HELP.